Harding House Brewing Company IP

Listed: 07/16/2024

Price: $5,000

Harding House Brewing Company, LLC is a debtor-in-possession in a Chapter 11, Subchapter V case in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Tennessee. Harding House has agreed to sell its intellectual property and branded items as part of the orderly liquidation of its assets. The current stalking horse bid is $2,500. According to bid procedures approved by the Court, any competing bid must be at least $5,000, in increments of $1,000, and must be received by Alex Payne, counsel for Harding House, on or before August 16, 2024, at noon Central time. If competing bids are received, a bid conference will be conducted at 10:30a.m. on August 21, 2024. A file room has been set up for interested buyers, including all relevant court documents, at the following address: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/c29bs2r6bj5re8mmwtxqq/ALl9yjD6v8cAmMIephAp_MM?rlkey=3umx38o5fd3yckodmr6du8q2s&dl=0.

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