It’s a crazy time right now in the craft beer industry. Some of you breweries might be expanding and need more equipment YESTERDAY. Some of you might be starting your journey and need some good equipment with a challenging budget. Maybe you need some quick cash in this tough market and need to unload on some fine brewing gear that you aren’t using anymore. Our friends over at BrewBids have the perfect marketplace to buy and sell brewing equipment of all shapes and sizes. Read on for more details on this amazing service.

BrewBids.com is an online marketplace designed to connect buyers and sellers of beverage equipment and supplies across the world. Based out of Lincoln, Nebraska, the BrewBids website recently received a new look and feel to meet the demands of a rapidly growing beverage industry.
Originally founded in 2015 to appeal to people looking to buy and sell craft brewing equipment, the new BrewBids allows equipment of all beverages industries to be listed. With the rise in popularity of craft teas, coffees, and spirits, the new website caters to all industries in order to maximize the potential audience looking for commercial beverage equipment. The website now features a user-generated discussion board, topics and education section, and geographical searching capabilities. In addition to the newly enhanced user experience, the site is 100% free to use.
Businesses looking to have a bit more presence on the site can now create a “Business Profile”, which allows for a short explanation of the products or services being offered, showcasing it under the websites “Business Profiles” section.
BrewBids was created in an effort to make the most user-friendly online beverage equipment marketplace around. The new website, along with an upcoming release of a mobile app, makes the new BrewBids a great online resource for buyers and sellers alike.
For more information please visit www.brewbids.com or email [email protected].